Hey keyple,
Heads-up there's no meeting today during lunch!!
Brody Whiteside
No meeting today to keep consistancy and since there's already a lot happeneing this week, I'll see you next friday!
Mr. Benton
Have a free to period to help save lives? Blood Drive volunteers needed today, tomorrow, and Monday: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0B44ACAC28A3F5CF8-51901295-newblood
Mr. Benton
If you — or any Green Devil you know — want to get one, reply to me by the end of the day Wednesday. 🌷💐
Mr. Benton
A former Key member is offering free boutonnières/corsages to students attending Hoco — especially any students impacted by Helene:
Sage Summers
Hey Keyple, here is the homeless meals for this week 😊