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Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Remember, tomorrow is a half day. Pickup is at 11:25. Happy Friday!
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
No after school music this week (older students). Gym class all week, please remember gym shoes.
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Hot chocolate and coffee sales after school today. $2
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
If you haven't yet, let us know if you're coming back for next school year.
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Branch Line School is closed today, February 6th. Neon Night will be rescheduled for tomorrow, February 7th at 4:30. Half day tomorrow.
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Indoor dismissal today due to the rain. Please come inside. We will be waiting!
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Due to the forecasted cold weather, Branch Line School will be closed on Tues., January 21 and Wed., January 22.
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Remember tomorrow your Junior Explorer is going to be served a side of cheese pizza. Our class won a contest so we get Dominoes! Yum!
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Today is the last day for the Santa shop and there will be popcorn sales after school today. Be safe this morning!
Junior ExplorersSarah Fernitz
Students can bring money to shop in the Santa shop tomorrow, but the shop may be closed after school due to no volunteers.