Key Club

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Brody Whiteside
i mean facebook not instagram i didn't make any typo
Brody Whiteside
•July Online Opprotunities• New fire instagram post just dropped discussing new online opprtunities go check it out!
Brody Whiteside
•Freshman Icebreaker Orientation• UPDATE -> go to cafeteria NOT auditorium! (location got changed)
Brody Whiteside
...also, if possible, please wear a Key Shirt !
Brody Whiteside
•Freshman Icebreaker Tmmr• If you're going to the service event tommorrow, please go straight through the front office to the auditorium!
Brody Whiteside
•Announcment• Stay tuned for further info and start planning those outfits...
Brody Whiteside
.. June 18 & 19, from 8:30-11:30am!/showSignUp/10C0B44ACAC28A3F5CF8-50020816-freshman
Brody Whiteside
... They will need volunteers! It's like icebreaker-type stuff so it's good if Key is there to represent through olunteering. Please come!
Brody Whiteside
•Freshman Orientation Icebreaker• Hey guys! New event: teachers are putting together a little orientation-type event for freshman! (pt 1)
Tylea Calhoun
Due to issues with the calendar, here's a last minute reminder for adopt-a-block this Saturday at 8am. Worth 4 points! See Facebook.